Friday, December 28, 2012

Just Checking In?


Hello there friends and bloggers! Wow, where has the year gone? As usual, my attempts at keeping up with my blog have been lackluster at best. It has been a busy year for sure. I wanted to stop in and touch base.

With the year ending I am thinking about resolutions and goals for 2013. I am only going to set 5 main goals so I can keep it simple and attainable. I get all excited for the fresh start and set too many goals and have too many irons in the fire, which equals nothing finished and me being disappointed.

We have taken on extra debt this year. We purchased a new car a few weeks ago. It was time our car was 8 years old and was not reliable enough to take my husband and I both to work. We got a great deal and love our new car but I so enjoyed not having a car payment!

It's time to ramp our retirement, we have been putting this off but the hubby turned 40 this year and we decided we need to bite the bullet and do it!

Are you getting your new years goals in order? I would love to hear your feedback. I will be back to post my goals for 2013. Have a great weekend!